c/o Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872

Primary QuEST Multi-Academy Trust

Flourishing together through LIFE

Business Plan


I am very pleased to introduce the Primary QuEST Business Plan covering the period 2025–2028 which sets out our three-year strategic objectives.

Throughout this plan you will see information about who we are, what we do and where we wish to go in the future. The plan is a vision for what the future holds for Primary QuEST and I am certain that the next few years will be an exciting time for the children, families and staff at all Primary QuEST.

This plan also evidences the culture we wish to maintain as a Trust, based on Christian values and achieved through: collaboration, raising aspirations and exploring new ideas. We are a Trust which works together to get the best out of everyone, including the staff, and which wishes to become a beacon of excellence in all areas, including finance and governance. We want to make a positive difference.  

This document sets out how we will plan, guide, support and improve our academies, ensuring a clear focus on improving leadership, governance, teaching and learning and raising standards for all.


“Our  focus for the next 3 years centres on 5 important pillars.

They are: 

1. Securing improvement through robust systems of accountability and develop a solid base for future growth.

2. Embed the Primary QuEST Trust Culture and Identity.

3. Achievement for All

4. Excellence in financial practice

5. Becoming an employer of choice


“I look forward to working with all the academies and all stakeholders to ensure that this plan has a positive impact on everyone within the Primary QuEST.”

Stephen Dean


Primary QuEST